A simple step by step process!
To begin, make sure you have a MetaMask wallet installed on your browser, or use one of the wallets supported by Wallet Connect (we recommend Meta mask).
On Desktop
Purchasing on a desktop browser will give you a smoother purchasing experience. For this we recommend Metamask.
On mobile
If you are purchasing on mobile, we recommend using Metamask Wallet or use the build in wallet that comes with the brava browser.
Step 02
On Desktop
Once you have your preferred wallet provider ready, click “Connect Wallet” and select the appropriate option.
On mobile
For mobile wallet apps you will need to select “Wallet Connect”
Step 03
Buy REAT token with USDT or USDC on UZX exchange or directly on REAT Exchange.
If you bought REAT token on UZX sent them to your Metamask wallet.
On Desktop
Purchasing on a desktop browser will give you a smoother purchasing experience. For this we recommend Metamask.
On mobile
If you are purchasing on mobile, we recommend using Metamask Wallet or use the build in wallet that comes with the brava browser.
On Desktop
Once you have your preferred wallet provider ready, click “Connect Wallet” and select the appropriate option.
On mobile
For mobile wallet apps you will need to select “Wallet Connect”
Buy REAT token with USDT or USDC on UZX exchange or directly on REAT Exchange.
If you bought REAT token on UZX sent them to your Metamask wallet.
Still have questions?
Is there any commission or reward system for bringing in new participants?
We believe that to succeed as a project, both you and you clients need to grow together. This is why we are working with an affiliate marketing system to rewards those who take an extra step to help building this story in to international success. We use 3% commission bonus ,just as its been used by real estate agencies.
Why is the maintenance fee of a block in USDT
To give the user the advantage, the higher reat token value is the more advantage for the user , since the price of the token went up and the maintenance fee always stay the same.
Reat exchange
We’re developing our own Reat exchange to simplify the process for all our users. Meanwhile, you can trade Reat tokens on the UZX exchange with USDT or USDC.